Driving Tips

Snow on a car due to winter condition

Taxi drivers must look after themselves and their cabs this festive season

Taxis and PHVs undergo regular checks to make sure they are safe for the roads and drivers pay extra attention to them during the winter festive period.

Dashboard camera in action installed on car windscreen

Be on your best behaviour . . . everything you do is caught on camera

Taxi drivers and other motorists are caught on camera hundreds of times a day as they go about their business and need to be on their best behaviour whenever they are at the wheel.

google image street view of basildon taxi rank

Fitting tribute to campaigning cabbie

Taxi drivers are often people who regularly get involved to help make a difference, whether it is campaigning about safer issues in towns and cities, or giving seriously ill children a fantastic day trip out. They also look after each other and form life-long friendships.

Rainy night in city, cars waiting on wet road because of red traffic light, rain was illuminated by the headlights of cars, focused on the asphalt road.

Bright ideas are a danger to taxi drivers and other road users

Being blinded by bright headlights is extremely dangerous and is an issue taxi drivers face every night, sometimes with tragic consequences.

close up shot of silver BMW headlight

Automatic indicators will help make roads safer

One of the major causes of collisions is drivers carrying out manoeuvres unexpectedly and not giving other motorists a chance to avoid a bump. So, manufacturers have decided to take this out of the hands of the motorist with the creation of automatic indicators.

Which of our top 5 cars will be your next taxi or PHV?

Finding the right car is the most important decision a taxi or PHV driver has to make. It is a huge investment in their business and one they must get right.

black and white photo of John and Billy Paton standing next to the first wheelchair-accessible FX4 Fairway in the late 1980s

Can wheelchair users get into your taxi or PHV?

Today is International Wheelchair Day, when users celebrate the positive difference a wheelchair makes to their lives. But, despite changes and improvements, it is also a reminder of the difficulties they still face, including using taxis and PHVs.

flock of pigeons on a road

What would you do if your taxi hit a bird or animal?

Whether it is a deer bounding across a motorway or a badger trying to cross an A-road, drivers can be faced with a variety of four-legged or winged hazards and have only a split-second to act.

Wedding Car for hire

Helping ensure every taxi business is a success

As well as being safe drivers, taxi drivers have to be in charge of marketing and public relations, as well as customer services and complaints.

winter tyres

Taxi drivers should be careful with their tyres this winter

It is easy to overlook tyres when it comes to maintaining a car but as taxi drivers know, they are one of the most important parts of a vehicle, especially in the winter.

As we endure longer nights and bad weather, no one wants to be stuck at the side of the road in the cold and wet.

car accident

Tips for Minimising Risks and Insurance Claims

The motor insurance industry takes two main factors into account when calculating insurance premiums – the risk and the cost of paying out a claim.

We recently looked at how the soaring cost of vehicle parts was pushing up the price of repairs and making taxi insurance and other business motor insurance claims more expensive.

mot check

MoT: Which cars are most likely to fail?

When taxi drivers buy a new vehicle, reliability is one of the key things they look for both for now and in the future.

But it is only when they get an expensive repair bill – on top of taxi insurance and running costs – and have to wait for their vehicle to pass its MoT retest to get it back on the road that they might question their choice of car.