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Fixing a lens on the powerful case for Dash-cams

Similar to Telematics a Dash-cam doesn’t take up much room in your vehicle, in fact most people wouldn’t realise it was there. Stowed away neatly behind your rear-view mirror it isn’t the first thing you notice when you get in to your vehicle.

Growing in popularity, the Dash-cam has become a very useful piece of kit, especially for Taxi Drivers. Driving for a living means more time spent on the road than your average person therefore being more likely to be involved in an accident. In this instance a Dash-cam can prove to be the most powerful tool you could possess helping to prove who was the responsible party, whether the claim being made against you was fraudulent or not or providing key evidence if you’re witness to an accident.

The demand for Dash-cams is increasing and so are the questions about them therefore we have answered some of the most common ones below…

What does a Dash-cam record?
A Dash-cam will record the road in front of you taking clear video footage of your journey. You will receive footage in first person form therefore capturing a wide-angle view of the road, other vehicles and pedestrians in the area that you are driving.

How clear is the footage?
Currently Patons can offer 3 different types of Dash-cam each one of them offering different solutions to fit different needs. All of the cameras that Patons have to offer record HD video footage at 1080p

Where does the video footage go?
As above, Patons currently offer 3 types of Dash-cam which store the video footage in different ways.

We can offer a Dash-cam that stores footage on an SD Card. This would require the footage to be downloaded from the card as soon after the accident as possible to avoid being overwritten by continuous driving.

We also offer a 3G/4G camera that sends the footage direct to a secure online portal in the event of an accident securing the footage in case the driver is unable to extract it straight away.

Does the Dash-cam record sound?
No. All cameras have the facility to record sound, but this is turned off by default. Switching the sound recording facility back on is a simple process and might be required by your licencing authority.

Is a Dash-cam also a Tracking Device?
Using GPS technology and also providing visible footage of the road you are driving on, Dash-Cams can locate a vehicles position, it can also show the route a driver has taken. This can help give an idea of where you have been although a Dash-Cams is not known or sold as a Tracking device.

For more information on Dash-Cams or to speak to one of our Technology team, give us a call on 0151 538 1313 or visit

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Dash Cams