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Patons top 5 tips for summer driving

Driving a taxi in the summer is very different to being on the road in the depths of winter but it still has its challenges.

Roads are often busier, especially during school holidays, around airport approaches and popular tourist destinations. Also high temperatures can dramatically affect a vehicles performance as well as our own driving skills.

So to help keep you and your taxi safely on the road this summer here’s Patons top five tips:

1. Keep your engine cool

Hotter weather means a hotter engine. Your car’s cooling system works much harder in the summer months, so it is essential to keep your coolant reservoir at the right strength and level to avoid overheating. Also keep a look out for wet or white marks on coolant hoses and listen for the fan when your engine is idle.

2. Look after your tyres

High temperatures and under-inflation can aggravate existing damage and weak spots on your tyres. Check the condition, tread and pressure of your tyres regularly to avoid increasing the risk of punctures or potential accidents.

3. Clean your windscreen

Driving in summer can mean bright sun and tired eyes. Reduce the effect of glare by keeping your windscreen clean, replacing worn or damaged windscreen wipers, using your visor and wearing sunglasses if it helps.

4. Help with hay fever

Driving with itchy eyes, a runny nose and frequent sneezing can be dangerous. With lots of remedies available always choose a non-drowsy form when driving, as well as wearing sunglasses, keeping a tissue to hand and closing air vents and windows to make your self more comfortable.

5. Keep yourself hydrated

Driving in the summer heat is thirsty work. To avoid getting over-tired or dehydrated make sure you take regular breaks to rest, drink and eat. Also keeping a supply of cool air circulating inside your taxi will help you stay comfortable and alert.

Remember: if you have an accident you might lose money waiting for your vehicle to be repaired, and it will force your taxi insurance premiums to go up. Stay safe this summer and plan ahead.

If you have any further questions about taxi insurance from Patons Insurance, feel free to get in touch with our team, or fill out our new quote form today.

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